Little Tin Houses

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A Look at Skye

I feel like I’m one of those annoying people that does something new and then doesn’t stop talking about it. I keep dropping Skye into conversation at every opportunity, but I just honestly truly have never been anywhere like it. So here we go, it’s my journal and I’ll talk about it as much as I want. Here’s some of my favourite Skye talking points….

  1. The obvious one, Scenery. It’s just unlike anything I’ve seen before, especially in the UK. There’s some beautiful parts of Scotland, but even they seem to pale in comparison. The mountains, the coral beaches, the black beaches, the cliffs. Every inch is photogenic.

  2. The houses. Every house has character. There’ll be one quaint little cottage, with a derelict ramshackle cottage next door and a wooden modern eco house on the other side. There’s no rhyme nor reason to it and I love it. They also seem to have a thing for corrugated tin roofs and now I know I can’t live a happy life until I’ve lived in a tin house.

  3. The handmade signs. Every beach we visit has a handmade sign directing visitors in the right direction, like the locals have had so many tourists wander up their driveways accidentally that they’ve thought sod it, get some wood and a sharpie and we’ll set it right. I also like the protest ones spotted on the side of the road… a personal favourite is ‘NO FLODIGARRY FISH FARM’ which is great fun to say fast over and over again.

  4. They don’t make it easy for tourists and I totally get it. You have to work for your visit to any of the beaches or famous views that you’ve read about on Skye. Don’t be expecting to park up and look at a majestic black sand beach from your car. You’ll be parking on a muddy verge, following the farmer’s hand written signs on a 45 minute walk dodging sheep the whole way, but I love it. Why should they build car parks and tracks and fences? It would completely kill the rugged Skye vibe.

  5. The coffee shops. Special mention goes to Birch in Portree, Caora Dubh in Carbost and Deli Gasta in Broadford.

  6. How creatively inspired I’ve been because of my surroundings. Not only have I shot more film than I have in about a year, but I’ve also weaved so many bookmarks and coasters it’s insane. Along with Steven’s spoons, it’s kept our little Etsy shop fully stocked. I’ve also learnt how to hand spin wool, even scavenging sheep’s wool from rocks and grass, washing it, spinning it and using it on my loom. If 6 months ago you’d told me I’d be hand spinning wool on the Isle of Skye I would have laughed in your face and then quietly sobbed with excitement.

I’ll stop now and let the photographs do the talking, but it’s safe to say that I’m very happy we headed in this direction.