Little Tin Houses

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Freedom on a Diamond Back

For someone who lives between a multitude of vehicles, you’d probably find it surprising to know that I don’t actually have a drivers license and I’ve been behind the wheel of a car approximately once in my lifetime, and it involved somebody getting off their bike specifically to point and laugh at how terrible I was.

I do actually intend to change the lack of license issue soon, most likely next spring, after the puppy phase has quietened down (expect lots of dog photos in the future), but until then…. freedom on a diamond back is the next best thing.

I’m a little delayed in writing this as it’s early autumn now, but this summer was all about getting the hang of being back on two wheels. I hadn’t ridden a bike since I was kid, minus the quick rental on our honeymoon in Holland, but I can confirm the child like joy is still in it as an adult. I was out on that bike every morning, every evening, and sometimes an afternoon too. I’ve slowed down a little now as the weather has turned, and again, having a puppy, but I’ll be squeezing in rides as much as I can. We’re lucky enough to live in an area with bike tracks everywhere, and incredible scenery to see on the way, and I have every intention of milking it.

Being able to jump on my bike and head out for a few hours by myself, without having to rely on my husband or friends for a lift has been essential for my confidence and sense of independence. I can even head into Aviemore by myself now, to pick up a few things. That might seem like nothing, but what a novelty after a year or so of having to wait on other people.

Not to mention, the absolute pleasure in customising a bike. That’s a whole different bonus joy too.