

Staithes Coastal Village

Staithes, North Yorkshire. We drove here on a grey, drizzly day. It turned out the light was amazing and the village was beautiful and every shot came out perfectly. Definitely worth the drive, there's something about the Yorkshire coast.

Amy SpiresThe Coast

We visited Saltburn-by-the-Sea after I stumbled across a picture of the Saltburn Cliff Lift ('a historic funicular railway system') on Which, by the way, is an incredibly useful website if you're looking to find weird places to photograph. When we got there I ended up being so distracted by all the other things going on that I didn't actually even look at the cliff lift.

An absolutely typical British seaside town. It was drizzling and grey but it wasn't bothering anybody. Whole families were camped outside their beach huts having picnics and cups of tea.

Amy SpiresThe coast