

Back To Scotland

It’s taken me a while to write this as I’ve been incredibly busy starting up my little part time business… ‘Coal House Goods’ (follow on instagram if you’re a fan of vintage homeware), but a few weeks ago we took a bank holiday road trip up to East Lothian. We had planned to stay in an off grid cabin but typical to our AirBnB luck, it was cancelled the night before due to a leaky log burner filling the room with smoke. In situations like that I always imagine how angry my mum would be if she found out I slept in a room possibly slowly filling with carbon monoxide so I thought it best to give that one a miss.

We ended up in a beautiful little stable house conversion in Gullane. What an amazing area. The street was filled with big houses all full of character, and was literally on the beach. We’ve probably never stayed in an AirBnB in such a good location. For once, I actually didn’t take any photos of the actual space, but you can see the listing here.


Our days were spent exploring North Berwick and all the small towns on the coast on the way there and back. We’ve agreed that we’ll definitely have to head back up at some point and spend more time there, especially North Berwick. While we were there, we took a walk along the beach and spotted a ‘Yard Sale’ handwritten sign pointing into somebodies garden. We picked up some absolutely amazing bargains here that all sold at our Coal House Goods market. It was meant to be.

Amy Spires
Brighter Days

The days are getting longer and warmer and my plants are coming back to life. I’ve started giving them a bit more attention, repotting and taking some cuttings to propagate. I’m looking forward to when they suddenly all start growing again. It’s nice to wake up to sun coming through again too, and to finish work and be able to walk the dog while it’s still light.


I’ve also been doing a lot of hunting for bits of vintage homeware to include in my online shop and the market stall (Tynemouth, this Sunday) but it’s so hard not keeping the best finds for myself. We turned our spare room into a partial stock room, so it helps to put things straight into there and then I can pretend they don’t exist and I won’t be tempted to use them in the rest of the house.


And some other recent bits…

Amy Spires
Another Brownie

You might remember a while ago I posted about putting a roll of film through an old Kodak Brownie (see the post here). Even though the images were overlapped and far from perfect, I’ve always liked what I got out of it. I can’t find the brownie I used… I either sold it on or it went missing when we moved or I gave it away, I don’t know. But it’s ok as I managed to pick up a this one for next to nothing on ebay.

After a bit of stress trying to get 120 film to fit (nail scissors to take the edge of the spool off solved everything) I managed to fire through a roll on a morning dog walk at Tynemouth. I really really like what I got out of it. It’s nice shooting something that you know isn’t going to be perfect, and not aiming for a super sharp clean image all the time.

Obviously had to get Steven to shoot a self portrait for me too at the end there.

Amy Spires