

Weekend Warriors


So there’s a first here. The first time I had a roll of film ruined by a lab during development. I won’t lie, I was pretty gutted. There were a few shots from this trip that I knew were going to be gold, and was really looking forward to scanning in. That’s the risk of shooting film I suppose, and I’m probably lucky that it’s the first time in all the years since I left digital behind that it’s happened. I shot plenty of 35mm though so we’re still good.

This was a rare weekend (we both usually work Saturdays) that we both had off work and decided to drive the few hours west and head to the lakes again. A couple of days walking, sitting by a fire and being away from everything is always my favourite way to spend time. We recently bought a tarp (Prospector’s tarp, see it here, but shop around to find it cheaper) which is probably one of the smartest purchases we’ve made. There were a few showers over the weekend and if we hadn’t had the tarp we wouldn’t have been able to cook and would have just been trapped in the van.

All in all, a successful trip which the rain didn’t ruin. Just a shame that I’m missing those shots.

Amy Spires