

There & Back

Sometimes the best parts of our trips are the journeys there and back. We like to take the scenic route, driving down the smaller roads and seeing what we stumble across. We take so many coffee breaks on these journeys that I’ve had to start drinking decaf, but theres nothing better than finding a beautiful parking spot and getting out for a walk and then a coffee.

We don’t mind spending a whole day dotting from small town to small town, working our way up to our final destination, and have spent entire holidays with no plan, just seeing where we end up.

On our drive to Comrie Croft a few weeks ago we took a route up to Scotland that we don’t usually take. It was a misty, grey day, but these old trains appeared through the trees in the middle of nowhere. It was dead silent, a bit spooky, but we pulled over and had a wander down the unused tracks to get a closer look.

On the way back from Comrie we drove through the Galloway forest, finding some of the nicest, secluded parking spots I’ve ever seen. Unfortunately there were lots of ‘no overnight camping’ signs so it wouldn’t work for sleeping, but makes the ideal stop off.

Sometimes I wish I could do these trips full time, but I think the novelty would wear off. I think I like them so much because they’re such a break from my day to day routine. I think the key for me is to find balance, a stable home and work life, and then the adventure of having a campervan and exploring inbetween.

Amy Spires