

Little Tin Houses

Well, it’s been over two years since my last post in this space. During that time a lot has happened, and not much of it involved my camera. In fact, I very nearly sold it as it wasn’t getting used. If there’s one thing I’ve learnt though, it’s to never sell a camera that I’ve loved at any point. I did actually part with my 35mm Nikon fm2 and I regret it already, just a few months later.

Anyways, where I’ve been… My creative energy was focused on my work with wool for quite a long time, and more recently on our tiny coffee shop in the cairngorms. I just didn’t have the mental space to add photography to that list too, but Cabin Coffee is running smoothly, I’ve near enough retired from weaving (but never say never) and my brain has room again.

After travelling round Scotland in our van, we decided this area felt like home and we decided to start planting some roots. Now that we’re settled, the call of the mamiya and the portra 400 has been heard and I dusted off the camera. I noticed that the thing I’m most excited about when I’m shooting is a stumbled upon old house, usually little, and usually with some sort of tin (corrugated iron, if we’re being pedantic) so that’s become the name for my refreshed portfolio of photographs.

I’m planning on photographing a lot more of the cairngorms and the highlands, so hopefully it’ll not be another two years before I post again…

Amy Spires