

Acorn Bank & Alnmouth

Our most recent day off started out as a grey miserable morning, but we were determined to not let the weather ruin our plans and we set off to drive to another National Trust property, Acorn Bank. It's been a while since we drove through the North Pennines, and this time it was so misty it was almost spooky. We pulled over at one point so I could take a photo of this lonely cottage. I couldn't figure out if somebody actually lived there (there were solar panels on the side) or if it was just used for farming.


I haven't actually got round to finishing the other roll of film that I shot here, which was mostly of the interior. It's an unfurnished house but the old walls and windows had some nice vibes going on so I'll share those soon. For now, here's a few of the garden. The greenhouse was small but the rest of the garden was huge and made up for the lack of it. They had an amazing herb garden and bee keeping area, which unfortunately again, is on the other roll of film yet to be developed. 


Also on this roll of film, a few shots of boats on the beach at Alnmouth. When the tide is out there are loads of boats left sitting on the sand and the grass, it's a bit of a weird sight.


Last of all, I realised I'd never really photographed my home with film. If you follow me on instagram you'll know I take a LOT of interior shots, but they're always with my iphone. The sun was coming through the living room window fabulously so I thought, why not.  The afternoon sun in this room is probably the main reason I love my flat so much.

Amy Spires