

Misty Botanical Garden

After our day of walking last week, the next day we decided to do something a little more chill. We jumped in the car and went to Durham, starting with breakfast at Flat White Kitchen. Of all the breakfast spots I've been to, this is my favourite. Scrambled eggs on sourdough with a really good flat white, ideal. The interior is perfect too, and the staff are some of the nicest I've come across in a coffee shop. 10/10 would recommend. If I still did lifestyle blogging I'd do one massively image heavy post on this place. So many plants! 

Next stop was the botanical garden. We've been here before, but it was years ago and I felt like it had been long enough that I could visit again without getting bored. There's only a small few greenhouses, but the outside space makes up for it. Full of huge trees, Californian Redwoods and all sorts. I didn't shoot much outside as it was raining though.

I was full of plans for the rest of the day, but after we left I was knackered and fancied going home and just doing a bit of nothing. Quick stop at the Metro Centre to get some film developed and then home, scanning, with a cup of tea. Good day off.

Stretching Our Legs

Recently we've tried to make more a point of going for longer walks. Not only does it save me from feeling like a slug, it tires Pim out so I can get a good night's sleep without him wandering around the bedroom. It's pretty much a free day out too, not including breakfast. I live for days off and going for breakfast.

So this week we headed to Falstone, which is just below Kielder. We found a short-ish walk online (we're going to build up to the longer ones, let's not push our luck) and followed the directions around the village and along the old railway tracks, then back along the river. We stopped at a picnic bench and had some food. We didn't bump into anyone during the whole walk, it was absolutely ideal. 


The same day we headed along to Steel Rigg in Northumberland to finish my roll of film off. We attempted to climb it but I won't lie, I gave in about two thirds of the way up. In my defense, it was mega hot and I legitimately thought I was about to die. Pretty though.

Amy SpiresNorthumberland
Robin Hoods Bay

On one of our random drives a few weeks ago we ended up in Robin Hoods Bay, near Whitby. It's one of the nicest seaside towns I've come across. Every building, house or business, was properly cared for and looked after, with nautical details and flowers everywhere. The attention to detail in this little town is amazing. 

Amy SpiresThe Coast, Yorkshire