

An Accidental Hunt

It was New Years Day, we had no plans and I had a new camera to break in. We opened up google maps and I scrolled around a bit then zoomed in on Northumberland and picked a random village that was in the vague direction I fancied heading in. Alwinton. I didn't realise at the time but Alwinton has one road in, and the same road out. It's a total dead end in the middle of nowhere.

Off we went, stopping whenever we saw something worth photographing, with no timescale in mind. We eventually reached Alwinton and saw that this tiny village in the middle of farmland, woods and hills was absolutely packed. There were cars, people and quad bikes everywhere. At first I thought it must be some kind of quad bike countryside meet up, so we got out the car to explore. I'm always looking for weird events to document and I couldn't believe we'd randomly stumbled upon something happening.

As we got to the centre of the chaos we realised we'd happened upon a hunt. Literally just as they were about to set off. Absolutely amazing timing! We were obviously not meant to be there. Everybody looked like they knew each other and we stuck out like a sore thumb. The fact we'd turned up right on time, and in a hidden little village, everybody must have just assumed we were friends of friends of someone. There was no way we'd found this by chance (which we totally did, I swear I'm psychic).

So, obviously hunting is a controversial topic, but I decided to purely document, not support, nor protest. I'm just showing you what I see.

On a brighter note, this was my first roll through the Nikon FM2N and everything came out great. As soon as I picked it up, it felt right, and it's very rare I get that with a camera. I have a feeling we're going to have a long happy relationship!

Amy SpiresNorthumberland, Hunt
Boxing Day Dip

The annual post Christmas dip in the North Sea, Tynemouth beach. I was so busy looking through my viewfinder that my left foot accidentally took part.

Amy SpiresTynemouth, The Coast
Another Rainy Road Trip

A few weeks ago we had a little road trip to the Lake District. It's safe to say it was pretty terrible. We have this thing where all our trips go absolutely perfectly and we love life OR it's awful and all hell breaks lose. This was one was at the level of bad that resulted me in naming the folder of photos on my hard drive 'Shit Lakes Day'. Haha. It's a good thing I can laugh. 

I ran out of Portra 400 last minute and could only get ahold of Portra 160, which is usually fine but the weather was so bad, it was gloomy and dark so I was mega stressed about not being able to shoot anything. It also rained constantly, to the point where they were issuing amber flood warnings.

We'd booked a little 'pod' for the night and were expecting it to be basic, but good lord, this thing was wooden walls with black mould and a industrial rubber floor. So depressing. It was late by the time we got there and there was nothing else about so we though hey, we'll get the air bed up and cook some dinner on the gas stove, put a film on on the laptop, it'll be fine. After an hour of trying to enjoy it, I realise my ass is now on the rubber floor instead of the airbed. We have a leak. Duct tape slowed it down, but throughout the whole night Steven had to get up in approximately 2 hour intervals and pump us back up. 

The next morning we woke up and thought we'd treat ourselves to breakfast at Homeground coffee in Windermere. The food and coffee is so good it's honestly the main reason I ever go to the Lakes. We put it in the sat nav (which is renowned for getting us in some sticky situations) and were delighted to see there was a pretty quick route from the Eskdale Valley to Windermere through the mountains. 

As we approached (it's still very very heavily raining at this point) I was getting a little nervous as there were a lot of warning signs, 'steep incline', 'not suitable for any vehicles during winter' etc etc. I wanted to take the long route but Steven's like nooooo it'll be fine. Turns out our 'shortcut' was Hard Knott Pass. Britain's steepest road with hairpin bends and sheer drops down the mountain on your side. I can't even explain to you how terrified I was. The views were amazing but I was so consumed in terror I didn't get out and shoot anything. 

So that was our latest road trip. I'm undecided whether it was better or worse than the 'Rainy Scotland' trip but at least we've got some stories to tell. 

Amy SpiresLake District